Saturday, May 16, 2009

Three days to go

Aaargh. Three days to go. Not getting a lot of sleep. People are ringing to encourage me. And emailing. And texting. Because they know I might chicken out at the very last minute.

I don't think I will, but it's scary. 


  1. Dear Kerensa:

    I'm sorry I didn't learn about your blog sooner, as I would have made it a point to send you a note pronto. I'm assuming you have good reason to be persuing this course of action, and I'm sure you have done your research and homework.

    Leslie and I are pulling for you, and I will focus my Rosary in your direction tonight. (I know I do not seem like the praying kind, but it brings such order and serenity to the madness that surrounds me.)

    Hospitals are scary places, despite their attempts to be otherwise, and fear of procedures and operations is perfectly natural. Yet I have no doubt that you will be in good hands, and writing about this experience in no time at all.

    I look forward to your next note, which should include a bit on the restorative nature of vanilla ice cream. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. The distance is a challenge but electronics reduce everything to seconds.

    Kerensa is an interesting name. Is there a story behind it?

    Fondest regards from your friend,

    Jack Riepe
    Twisted Roads

  2. Hi Jack and thank you so much. I just picked Kerensa, an Irish name, because I didn't want to use my real name (which you know!).
